Wednesday, August 18, 2010


...  an outlet! It helps me release the emotions that I feel so passionately. Sometimes words don't do it justice or have the desired impact. It helps me express my views which are difficult to articulate in words. Art is therapy for me. It's a challenge, with each process, each layer an accomplisment, a piece to the puzzle that eventually makes a whole. Seeing something I've created come together bit by bit is rewarding. It's kind of like motherhood. At times, the satisfaction isn't there until the last stroke. It is a journey of discovery, especially self-discovery. With this in mind, art can also be very confronting, especially when my emotions are violent or severe. I suffered from post-natal depression for 2 years and this picture was an expression of that. Unless you've experienced it yourself, there is no way of really explaining it. I think this picture does it justice ...


  1. Wow! IT does indeed ....a picture worth a thousand words :)

  2. Hey Jana you should do a follow up on this one.
    I can imagine a rope in her hand or a light perhaps bringing her back to her family. Something to show the exhilaration of finally breaking through and overcoming the enormous hurdle that depression throws up in front of us.
    It really is a beautiful yet sad picture.
    You certainly have a huge talent and a beautiful spirit!
